Miniature High-Speed Pneumatic Logic Control Valves

Brand : Parker Hannifin

Parker Hannifin M7d43359ba1ca4b8162a5e04cea5a764d3 Miniature High-Speed Pneumatic Logic Control Valves

The Miniature High-Speed Pneumatic Logic Control Valves Series provides a complete range of logic elements, timers and impulse modules, allowing a pneumatic process management. The sequencer can easily manage a machine cycle. Stand alone or stackable, in-line or base mounted and DIN rail mounting, it can be easily installed into a cabinet. Any logic components can be associated to each other forming a complete pneumatic logic processing function. This 100% pneumatic range in its ATEX version can be used in hazardous environments.

• Miscellaneous Industrial
• Miscellaneous Manufacturing

• Complete range of 100% pneumatic sequencer, logic elements, timers, impulse function for a full pneumatic process system
• In-Line or base mounted, stand-alone or stackable, panel or Din rail mounting for an easy integration in any conditions
• Push-in fittings for an easy pneumatic connection
• ATEX version

• Any applications where a 100% pneumatic processing system is required for machine cycle or system functioning
• Hazardous environments

SAŅEMT PIEDĀVĀJUMU Parker Hannifin Miniature High Speed Pneumatic Logic Control Valves

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